Burton Leonard Church of England Primary School

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Compass work Aut 24


Varmints Explanatory Posters Aut 24


National Poetry Day - 3rd Oct


Kite Class

Class Teacher: Mr Doohan

Support Staff: Mrs Bland, Mrs Hewson, Mrs Thomas and Mrs Brown and Mr Stace

PE Days: Tuesday (Swimming) and Thursday

Year 3 Forest School Dates: 11th Oct, 18th Oct, 25th Oct, 8th Nov and 15th Nov

Year 4 Forest School Dates: 10th Jan, 17th Jan, 24th Jan, 31st Jan and 7th Feb.


Homework expectations in Kite Class:


Maths - Numbots and TTRockstars practice daily. Aiming for at least 10 mins of regular practice per day. Year 4s focusing on TTRockstars and Year 3s ensuring that their Numbots is fluent before moving onto TTRockstars. 

Reading - We want our KS2 pupils to be reading for pleasure every single day at home. 25-30 minutes a day is ideal and a great way to finish and wind down for the day. This could be independently, with an adult, or having discussions about a text.

Spelling - Spelling books will go back out each Friday with a new set of spellings that relate to the spelling lessons through the week. Books to be handed in at any point during the week - Thursday the latest - so that they can be sent home with the new words.

Spelling homework focuses on deliberate practice and oracy skills. Please use the 'Look, say, cover, write, check & correct' method when practising spellings. It is important to check and correct for any errors, we expect children in years 3-6 to be self-checking independently but please support them if necessary. Class teachers will also double check when marking and any errors will be marked with a dot. Corrections can be made on the sheet or any adjacent page. 


timetable 24 25 kites.pdf


18 10 24 kites.pdf



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