Welcome to our very first 'Half-term Round-Up'! A new addition to our school website, which rounds up all the fabulous learning from the half-term. Take a peek into the wonderful world of Burton Leonard Primary School, how our children shine and really make a difference!
As a school...
Making a Difference!
Children's Collective Worship Committee
World Mental Health Day
Bishop Anna visits Burton Leonard
Pumpkin Carving Competition
Harvest Festival
Harvest Community Lunch
Space Week & Space Hair Day
From FoBLS
FoBLS have been doing wonderful work at our school from Quiz Nights for the adults all the way to Pumpkin Carving Competitions for the children. Please head to the FoBLS page on the website to learn a little more about their events that have happened!
Exploring our learning
In Owls, our Reception children have been getting used to being in school for the first time. They have had many opportunities to explore their learning making use of all the wonderful spaces we have in Owl Class. We have been exploring art on the iPads, playdough and paint, creative play with blocks, writing our names, making marks in Art and using our awesome outdoor space!
In computing, we have been studying and getting comfortable with the process of logging into the iPads and getting comfortable typing on the iPads and using PurpleMash. We have used PurpleMash as a part of our visit from Bishop Anna to create our art for the Firework Altar cloth. Mrs Leader was so proud of the art made by EYFS and Year 1 showing how far they've come already. We talked about e-safety this term when studying the idea of passwords and avatars in ClassDojo and why they are so important.
Space Week & Autumn Walks
We have loved being scientists in “Space Week” this half term. Making fizzy stars was so exciting! We also learned about the solar system and the first moon landing. We have been observing changes in the seasons and Reception children collected signs of autumn on an autumn walk.
Forest School
As a part of our learning this term, Merlins have got to go out and experience all the joys of an English autumn in their forest school sessions. We have gone out in pouring rain, in lovely shine, in anoraks to our eyeballs and in funky hair from Space Week. We have been able to explore our space by building dens (for both ourselves and our forest friends), making fires, eating fire-cooked goodies, playing games and learning with Madeleine.
Space Week
It’s been an incredible first half- term and the pupils have given such tremendous effort in class. We have covered lots of exciting topics and have learnt some amazing things already! I've spoken to the pupils about some of their highlights of the term and this is what they've enjoyed the most!
In Science, we have been learning about keeping healthy. We measured our pulse before, during and after exercise. We had to use our middle and index fingers to feel for our pulses because they don’t have a pulse in them. We learnt that your heart beats faster when you are exercising because it needs to work harder to pump blood around the body. We learnt about which drugs are good for us and which are bad.
Religious Education
In Religious Education we have been learning about Science v’s Creation: Conflicting or Complimentary. We invited Reverend Robb in for a questions and answer session. He explained that Genesis was a story and that the Big Bang Theory was the factual explanation about creation. We have discussed this in Kestrels Class and feel that Creation is the heart of the story and The Big Bang is the brains of the story.
In music, we have started by studying the history of music notation by looking at the Ancient Egyptians. We studied how we would choose to make our own notations using hieroglyphics and studying the song "Walk Like an Egyptian" by The Bangles. In more recent weeks, we have already (sorry!) pivoted to practise our Christmas carols in preparation for the Harrogate Christmas Concert we are a part of at the very beginning of December. Our favourites so far are the songs we are all learning from The Polar Express!