Burton Leonard Church of England Primary School

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Half Term Round-up term 6


DT week 

In DT this half term, we have been busy preparing foods by cutting and juicing and selecting fruits and vegetables to create a smoothie to meet a design brief. We have been describing fruits and vegetables and explaining how to identify fruits. We then moved onto naming a range of places that fruits and vegetables grow and learning the basic characteristics of both fruits and vegetables. Finally, we prepared fruits and vegetables to make our own smoothies.


In Geography this half term our topic has been, 'What is it like to live in Shanghai?' Children learnt to give examples of human and physical features and then identified these features on a map of the village. Children also learnt to name the continent they live in and identify China's physical and human features on photographs and make comparisons between Shanghai and Burton Leonard.


In Reception this half term, our topic has been 'Big Wide World'. We started the topic by learning about our local area and going on a walk around Burton Leonard.  We then designed our own maps of the village and of the school grounds. We then began to explore different countries and we made comparisons between different countries and environments. We then pretended we were on holiday in our favourite place and wrote postcards back to our homes! 

We have also had lots of fun learning about dinosaurs and pirates. We learnt all about palaeontologists and even had a go at making our own dinosaur fossils with playdough. We also had lots of fun creating our own treasure maps and staining them with tea to make them look old!


TT Rockstars Day

Merlin Class adored our TT Rockstar Day. We all dressed up as rockstars and showed off our new times table knowledge! The children loved jamming out to music whilst practising their times table skills - Busted and Taylor Swift were top of the charts for us!

DT Week

Merlin class have learnt how to sew using a running stitch this half term. We used a needle, thread and felt to create some incredible pouches. We found sewing quite tricky to start off with but we persevered and with a little bit of practise, we had mastered the running stitch! We designed and then decorated our pouches and we can't wait to use them!

Class Trip to Yorkshire Wildlife Park

Merlin children had the opportunity to visit the Yorkshire Wildlife Park at the beginning of this half term. We travelled on a minibus to the park and our first activity was learning all about different world habitats; the desert, the Arctic, the Savannah and the rainforest. We discovered what animals we might find in each habitat and how each animal had adapted to live there. We then got to handle some cockroaches, giant African snails and a bearded dragon! After this we got to explore the park and discover some incredible animals. Some of our favourite included the leopards, the giraffes and the meerkats! What a fantastic day!


Sports Day


The Kites were instrumental with the running of Sports Day this year. Every activity that was set up was designed, created and taught to the whole school in preparation for the event. The Kites conducted themselves with incredible maturity during the activities and race events. I'm absolutely thrilled with how they performed and used the skills we've learnt throughout the year. 

KS2 performance


I'm so proud of the Kites for their involvement in this year's production. They showed enthusiasm and professionalism throughout the practices, rehearsals, set design and final performances. Everyone was keen to play their part and take on responsibility of some kind towards the success of the production. The Year 4s took every opportunity to take on more prominent roles and I'm already very excited to see what next year's production will bring from them. The year 3s were fantastic to work with as always and I know there are already keen actors waiting for bigger parts next year!

Pictures of these events can be found on the events page.


WW2 Workshop

The Kestrels welcomed Adam from Primary History Workshops this term and his wonderful, interactive teaching. The children were an exemplary show of how we act in Kestrels and it made me so proud. We learnt a wide variety of things from how the Second World War started and what led to it getting to that point, what the SEO were and who worked for them, how to crack a code using an "Enigma" machine and, finally, looking at the real impact of the artifacts that we were investigating and what they really meant to the people who would have had to interact with them day to day. Photos for this can be found on the Events page!

Crucial Crew

This term, Year 6 came with myself, Mrs Thomas and Mrs Bland to Harrogate college where we were lucky to experience a wide array of talks from multiple agencies to help us get a better world understanding and how we should be approaching things as we go to Secondary schools. These talks helped us to understand the world a little better and how we can keep ourselves safe in various different situations.