Burton Leonard Church of England Primary School

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Make a Difference Day & Be Yourself Day

Friday 21st June 2024

Our school council have been finalising plans for our final ‘Make a Difference Day‘ of the academic year.

This time, they are combining this with a ‘Be Yourself Day‘.

The object of the day is to make a difference locally, nationally and globally, as well as celebrate diversity. School councillors have come up with some great ideas for the day, that were shared with their classes last week.  All classes will be litter-picking around the village too(a bit of a tradition now).

Forest School will still take place in the morning for Kestrel Class (but with a well being theme and plans to improve the reflection area).

On the same day, pupils may come to school dressed up however they like! It‘s a nod to diversity and taking pride in the person that you are - wearing the colours you like, the clothes you like, wearing your favourite hair style - a chance to ‘be yourself‘!

Pupils can pay £1 to do this and all money raised will go to charity.

Children may wear whatever they choose (with consideration that they will be outside) and  will still need wellies and waterproofs in case of inclement weather. All pupils will require gardening-type gloves.  If pupils have their own litter-picker we would welcome them to bring this in to school.