Burton Leonard Church of England Primary School

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National Poetry Day


The children had a fantastic morning with Laura Mucha trying to break the Guinness World Record! Please follow this link to read the poem the children helped create!

On Thursday 3rd October it is National Poetry Day! As a school we are hoping to participate in a Guinness World Record attempt alongside poet, Laura Mucha! This will be a really exciting online lesson where we are attempting to collaboratively beat the Guinness World Record for the largest poetry lesson conducted.

Laura Mucha is a poet and author and wants to use this lesson to collaboratively create a poem that she will publish. She wants to take ideas and have polls done across many schools to vote on the decisions for composing the poems, so far there are over 260,000 children hoping to take part. To find out a little more about the event please click here Laura Mucha GWR attempt

Alongside this event, we are hosting a day of poetry and fun! If your child would like to bring in a loved poetry book to share with their friends then that would be wonderful!

Thank you for your support in this. If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Mrs Rachael Heys, English Lead