Burton Leonard Church of England Primary School

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Enrichment Clubs

Peripatetic Music Lessons

At Burton Leonard, we have access to multiple music lessons and teachers. We currently have available lessons for piano/keyboard, brass and guitar which are held at the school with qualified teachers. Please email if you have any enquiries.

Chess Club

As a part of After School Club on Thursday afternoon, Mr Stace is running a chess club. With a set of physical chess boards, Mr Stace and the children will be working on learning the pieces, the movements and strategies to become the "King and Queens" of the board. Please book your child into After School Club on a Thursday for this club.

Homework Club

As a part of After School Club on Tuesday afternoon, Mrs Hewson is running a homework club. This club welcomes everyone from our school who would like to do their homework with support from the staff at our school or who needs access to the tech we have at school for any reason. Please sign your child up to After School Club on Tuesday for Homework Club.

Art Club

On a Monday after school, Miss Newton is running a dance club before Christmas break and an art club after it. The art club is for everyone. The children will explore different media for art and the various techniques needed to excel in it.

Sports Club

On Tuesday afternoons, Mr Ian Irving, our sports specialist, is running a Sports club extending the skills and games that he teaches in our Tuesday PE lessons. This is available for children in Years 1-6. Please book on Arbor for this club.

Books and Buns

On Thursday lunchtime, Mr Stace runs the Books and Buns club for Kites and Kestrels. This club is a celebration of reading as a book club pushing for the Love of Reading by reading exciting books that flood the children from their interests. Please book for the club on Arbor.

Mandarin Club

On Thursday after school, Mrs Cummings runs our Mandarin club to extend our learning of Modern Foreign Languages. Mrs Cummings is a qualified Mandarin teacher and runs a fun-filled, informative club that expands the children's understanding of the language and culture. Please contact Mrs Cummings to book your child a place for this club.

School Choir

On Mondays at lunchtime, Mr Stace runs our school choir. We will be developing our singing techniques that are seen in our Kite Class music curriculum. We will be focusing on singing duets as a choir with the choir being split into halves to practice our abilities to sing strong while making sure we can hear everyone's voice.